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About Me

           My name is Gill Travers and I am a queer artist currently based in Rhode Island. I enjoy wearing vibrant colors and iridescent makeup because they bring me pure joy. I seek these qualities in my materials, defying their materiality while emphasizing the beauty I seek in the world. I create installations which engage audience members in conflict they must resolve to challenge their assumptions about accepted rules, spaces, and societal norms. I challenge what is acceptable by creating installations that approach contradictory ideas as interrelated instead of opossing.


          The art I create is a mixture of interests I have in carnivalesque styles of defiance present in queer culture and observable in nature. I work in installation, creating encompassing worlds which discuss taboos, actively engaging the audience to defy preordained rules order to participate in my work. In this world defiance obstructs normativity and assumptions resides on the cusp of imagination.

          I coax my audience to approach my sculptures only after treading across thin ceramic stars which break when they decide to engage the other enticing luminous creatures within the space. These forms, fossils, plants, and fungi; grow, reproduce, exist, wither, rot, and respawn cyclically, independent from humanity. My work positions the viewer as the intruder, trespassing on the secret and the sacred. I enjoy my audience performing as the ‘human intruder,’ curating the viewer’s experience to disorient the notion of benign and question hierarchies.

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